Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Tuesday, 3 December 2019 (2.41)

The last reading stopped at: “across a river” (2.41)

Note: We completed episode 1, and started with episode 2.

Summary of the last part of episode 1:

At the end of our last reading we had left Buck Mulligan, Stephen and Haines going down for a swim in the fortyfoot hole (1.600), a bathing place in the Dublin bay. Haines, who seems to be impressed by the lofty statements of Stephen, wants to know more about his opinion of Hamlet. Stephen replies that "We're always tired in the morning,  . . . And it is rather long to tell. (1.562).
Mulligan is his usual self, joking and cheerful. And he recites the poem,  I'm the queerest young fellow that ever you heard. My mother's a jew, my father's a bird. . . (1. 584). (Here Joyce has made liberal use of the poem,, by his friend Oliver St. John Gogarty.)
Steven too is his usual self, morose and serious. On being told my Haines, "You are your own master, . . . (1.636) ", he replies, "I am a servant of two masters (1.638) . . . And a third (1.641). . . " referring to the Imperial British state, the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church, (1.643) and Ireland.
Mulligan jumps into the water. Haines does not want to go swimming so soon after breakfast. Stephen leaves for his school. Before he leaves, MulAfter handing over the key of the tower to Mulligan, Stephen has come to the school where he is a teacher. During the course of the morning, he teaches history and literature, and even devotes some time to teach Cyril Sargent, one of the pupils,  asks him to give him the key to the tower which Stephen had brought along after he had locked the door. Stephen does so. After all he had expected that Mulligan will want the key, had imagined that he will say, "It is mine. I paid the rent. (1.631)" This is one of the reasons that at the end of the episode, Stephen refers to Mulligan as the usurper.

Summary of the beginning of episode 2:

After handing over the key of the tower to Mulligan, Stephen has come to the school where he is a teacher. During the course of the morning, he teaches history. Today's lesson is about Pyrrhus. The boys do not seem to know much about this Greek general, and make fun saying, "Pyrrhus, sir? Pyrrhus, a pier" (2.26). While teaching his mind wanders depending on what he sees/hears.