For the time being, all readings of Ulysses have been moved to an online platform. For more details, please see the blog entry titled “All Readings Online” (30 October 2020).
The joint online reading held on Thursday, 12 November 2020 stopped at: “Stephen's ear” (7.576)
Bloom goes into the office of the Evening Telegraph to make a phone call to finalise the ad of Alexander Keyes. In one of the offices, Professor MacHugh, Ned Lambert and Simon Dedalus are gathered. Bloom's entrance is marked only by MacHugh. The other two are busy having delightful fun, reading a passage by Dan Dawson in that day's newspaper. Soon thinking that life is too short (7.330) - to spend reading such articles - Simon Dedalus whisks Ned Lambert away to have a drink. Myles Crawford, the editor, who has come out of his inner office, is not ready to join them just then. As Bloom goes into Crawford's office to use the phone, more people walk in. First Lenehan comes out of the inner office and then Mr O'Madden Burke and Stephen Dedalus enter. Stephen has brought Mr Deasy's letter to show to the editor for possible publication in the newspaper. Professor MacHugh comments - foot and mouth?(7. 527)- referring the letter he peers over, reminds Stephen the comment Buck Mulligan had made that morning (Bullockbefriending bard; 7.528). Stephen muses about his own thoughts as those gathered there continue to converse.
(Summarized from the book, Ulysses for the Uninitiated, by Chandra Holm)