Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Online reading, Thursday, 5 August 2021 (13.1181)

 The reading stopped at ". . .  winked at Mr Bloom." (13.1181)


We are reaching the end of Nausicaa, episode 13. Dusk is falling on the Sandymount Strand. We have been sort of confidantes of Gerty's marital dreams. We have listened to the Litany of Loreto from the church near by, have witnessed Bloom's masturbation - another climax of the episode -, and have watched along with Bloom and the three girl friends fireworks from the Mirus bazaar. We have seen Gerty leaving the strand to go home and have realised that she is a bit lame. As darkness falls, Bloom becomes aware of a bat flying around, his thoughts turning from Gerty to the bat.

And far on Kish bank the anchored lightship twinkle[s] , wink[s] at Mr Bloom (13.1180). This sentence marks the division between two parts in this episode: the first part is rendered in Gerty's style (sugary, inflated, ...), the latter part in Bloom's post-orgasmic, more down-to-earth, deflated style.

(Excerpted from Ulysses for the Uninitiated)