The reading stopped at " . . . waistcoat pocket . . . " (18.306)
In this part of episode 18, famously known as the Penelope episode, quite a bit is about having sex. Molly comes across as being quite modern, quite uninhibited, something that is remarkable during the early 20th century Catholic Dublin. Her thoughts turn to God, church, soul - and Bloom's scoffing at the idea of the existence of the soul - and naturally to Boylan. She thinks of their first encounter. After having spent the afternoon with him, she gives a detailed description of Boylan's anatomy. Her reminiscence of the afternoon end with the thought, nice invention they made for women for him to get all the pleasure but if someone gave them a touch of it themselves theyd know . . . , which refers to the pains of child birth. She remembers too the days of her courtship with Bloom, how he had given her a book by Byron and three pairs of gloves as gifts and how he used to beg her to give him a tiny bit cut off (from her) drawers, ....